I began martial arts at a young age, studying anything that was available at the time: Cuong Nhu, Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, Kung-fu, Tai Chi, and Systema among them.
In early college, he discovered Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and dedicated all my efforts towards the grappling arts from then on. Studying under professors Amal Easton, and later Tony Basile, I earned my black belt in August of 2023.
Since joining Imperial Jiu-Jitsu South in the spring of 2024, I have been the lead Jiu-Jitsu instructor of the academy. Blessed to have the privilege to share Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with the San Luis Valley, I focus on teaching with an emphasis on student safety while also preparing students for dangerous real-life scenarios.
I wish to ensure that my students are learning life-saving-techniques while having fun and getting great exercise at the same time.
I started training in 2017 under Hans Thompson and the Zingano lineage. When Hans relocated to Japan I moved to the Kompound, a Rafael Lavato jr affiliate.
In December of 2023 Imperial opened in Denver under the Kurt Osiander lineage and I started training there.
February of 2024 I Opened Imperial South in Monte Vista CO to offer something not yet available in the valley.
I am currently a brown belt. I have completed in multiple promotions and will continue to complete as life allows.
I Trained Muay Thai under Nick Chasteen (the Goldenboy) who’s under Master Bob (Bob Karmel) at Golden Era Muay Thai, in Phoenix, AZ. And trained boxing out of Central boxing in AZ.
I have competed in amateur fights back in Phoenix in my 20s. I’m 39 now. I also did 2 amateur Muay Thai fights 2-0 and 1 boxing match 1-0. I have been practicing the arts for about 15 years now.
I’ve been a martial artist for 18 years.
I started taekwondo, kick boxing, and wrestling when I was 12 years old in Webb City, Missouri. I’ve been doing Jiu-jitsu, Boxing, Muay-Thai, and MMA the past 7 years.
I have competed steady as a white belt and blue belt in Jiu Jitsu tournaments and super fights in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma,and Texas.
I had my MMA debut in Oklahoma with a 29 second win by submission.
Since moving to the SLV I’m an active Law Enforcement Officer and a current Purple Belt.